If, after installing the Bitespeed app, your opt-in-tools don't appear on the store or your campaigns don't work, it is most probably due to a failure in the automatic installation of our code snippets on your store. Also, remember that if any of your products don't have images then they will not be sent in your campaigns. This might also happen if you change the theme on your store.
Don't fret just yet, we've got your back! All you have to do is just send us a message in the support chat widget inside the app and we will fix it for you in minutes!
But if you want to do it yourself, just follow these simple steps to manually install the code snippets. Trust me it's not as scary as you think it to be.
Go to "Themes" on your Shopify dashboard.
2. Click on "Actions" then "Edit Code".
3. Go to the Snippets folder (You might have to scroll down a bit to find it). Then click on "Add a new snippet"
4. Enter the snippet name as "bitespeed-analytics" (Without the quotes)
5. This will create a new file with the name "bitespeed-analytics.liquid". Now, copy and paste this code-snippet in the file.
<script src="https://unpkg.com/axios/dist/axios.min.js"></script>
const DBURL = "https://app.bitespeed.co/database";
var indexOfwww = location.hostname.indexOf("www");
var shopDomainStripped = (indexOfwww === -1 ? "." + location.hostname : location.hostname.substr(indexOfwww + 3));
function getCookie(name) {
var value = "; " + document.cookie;
var parts = value.split("; " + name + "=");
if (parts.length == 2) return parts.pop().split(";").shift();
function createRef(){
let uuid = create_UUID();
document.cookie = "refb="+uuid+";expires="+ new Date(new Date().setFullYear(new Date().getFullYear() + 10))+ ";domain=" + shopDomainStripped +"; path=/";
return uuid;
function createSsid() {
let uuid = create_UUID();
document.cookie = "ssid="+uuid+ ";domain=" + shopDomainStripped +"; path=/";
return uuid;
function create_UUID(){
var dt = new Date().getTime();
var uuid = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) {
var r = (dt + Math.random()*16)%16 | 0;
dt = Math.floor(dt/16);
return (c=='x' ? r :(r&0x3|0x8)).toString(16);
return uuid;
(function() {
let refb = String(getCookie("refb"));
let ssid = String(getCookie("ssid"));
if(refb === null || refb === '' || refb === undefined || refb === "undefined") {
var refbnew = createRef();
if(ssid === null || ssid === '' || ssid === undefined || ssid === "undefined") {
var ssidnew = createSsid();
function lookForCart() {
var myCookie = getCookie("cart");
if (myCookie) {
if(!getCookie(${myCookie})) {
document.cookie = ${myCookie}=true + ";domain=" + shopDomainStripped + "; path=/";
function sendToWebhook(cart) {
let axiosConfig = {
headers: {
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*"
let url = ${DBURL}/api/shopifyCustomer/create;
let refb = getCookie("refb");
if(refb === null || refb === '' || refb === undefined || refb === "undefined") {
else {
var postData = {
cartToken: cart,
id: String(refb),
shopifyShopDomain: '{{shop.permanent_domain}}'
axios.post(url,postData, axiosConfig)
.then((res) => {
.catch((err) => {
console.log("AXIOS ERROR: ", err);
let intervalId = setInterval(() => {lookForCart()},1000);
<script name="bitespeed-tracking-tag">
let axiosConfig = {
headers: {
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*"
function analyticsPost(postData) {
let analyticsUrl = ${DBURL}/webhook/browserSession;
postData.shopifyShopDomain = '{{shop.permanent_domain}}';
postData.ref = getCookie("refb");
postData.ssid= getCookie("ssid");
axios.post(analyticsUrl, postData, axiosConfig)
.then((res) => {
.catch((err) => {
console.log("AXIOS ERROR: ", err);
var bitespeedLayer = {
cartPollInterval: 2000
var config = {
linker: {
domains: ['shopify.com', 'rechargeapps.com', 'recurringcheckout.com', 'carthook.com', 'checkout.com']
anonymize_ip: true,
allow_ad_personalization_signals: true,
page_title: removePii(document.title),
page_location: removePii(document.location.href)
var pageView = function() {
{%if customer %}
var postData = {
"at" : new Date(),
"type": "customerIdentified",
"event": {
id: '{{customer.id}}',
address: '{{customer.default_address}}',
email: '{{customer.email}}',
name: '{{customer.first_name}} {{customer.last_name}}',
phone: '{{customer.phone}}',
{% endif %}
// delay page firing until the page is visible
if (document.hidden === true) {
var triggeredPageView = false;
document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', function() {
if (!document.hidden && !triggeredPageView) {
triggeredPageView = true;
} else {
var hasLocalStorage = (function() {
try {
localStorage.setItem('bitespeed_test_storage', 'test');
return true;
} catch (ex) {
return false;
bitespeedLayer.ecommerce = {
'currencyCode' : '{{shop.currency}}',
'impressions' : []
{% if template.name == 'search' and search.performed %}
var searchResults = {{search.results | json}} || {};
let searchProducts=[];
for(let i = 0; i < searchResults.length; i++) {
let element = searchResults[i];
id: element.id,
name: element.title,
price: (element.price/100).toFixed(0),
brand: element.vendor,
category: element.type,
variants: element.variants.map(function(variant) { return { id: variant.id, sku : variant.sku } }),
quantity: 1,
handle: element.handle
var searchTerm = "{{search.terms}}";
var postData = {
"at": new Date(),
"type": "productSearched",
"event" : {
"searchTerm": searchTerm,
"searchResults": searchProducts
{% endif %}
{%if product%}
var product = {{ product | json }};
if (product && !product.error) {
bitespeedLayer.ecommerce.detail = {products: []}
id: product.id,
name: product.title,
price: (product.price/100).toFixed(0),
brand: product.vendor,
category: product.type,
variants: product.variants.map(function(variant) { return { id: variant.id, sku : variant.sku } }),
quantity: 1,
handle: product.handle
{% else %}
var collectionNames = [];
{% if collection.handle == "all" %}
var collections = {{collections | json}};
{% else %}
var collections = [{{collection | json}}];
{% endif %}
if (collections && !collections.error) {
if (c) collectionNames.push(c.handle);
var collectionProducts = {{ collection.products | json }};
if (collectionProducts && !collectionProducts.error) {
var pos = 1;
id: p.id,
product_id: p.id,
name: p.title,
price: (p.price/100).toFixed(0),
brand: p.vendor,
category: p.type,
list_position : pos,
variants : p.variants.map(function(variant) { return { id: variant.id , sku : variant.sku } }),
list_name : location.pathname,
list : location.pathname, // duplicate property for GTM
handle : p.handle
{% endif%}
bitespeedLayer.ecommerce.impressions = getUniqueProducts(bitespeedLayer.ecommerce.impressions);
function getUniqueProducts(array){
var u = {}, a = [];
for(var i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; ++i){
if(u.hasOwnProperty(array[i].id)) {
u[array[i].id] = 1;
return a;
var loadScript = function(url, callback){
var script = document.createElement("script")
script.type = "text/javascript";
if (script.readyState){ /* IE */
script.onreadystatechange = function(){
if (script.readyState == "loaded" ||
script.readyState == "complete"){
script.onreadystatechange = null;
} else { /* Others */
script.onload = function(){
script.src = url;
var ldTracker = function(jQuery){
if(bitespeedLayer && bitespeedLayer.ecommerce){
/* run list, product, and clientID scripts everywhere */
function listViewScript(){
if (!bitespeedLayer.ecommerce.impressions || !bitespeedLayer.ecommerce.impressions.length) return;
var postData = {
"at" : new Date(),
"type" : "productListViewed",
"event" : {
list_id: bitespeedLayer.ecommerce.impressions[0].list,
products: bitespeedLayer.ecommerce.impressions
},500) /* wait for pageview to fire first */
/* product list clicks */
.filter(function(){ return this.href.indexOf('/products') !== -1}) /* only add event to products */
var self = this;
var clickedProductDetails = bitespeedLayer.ecommerce.impressions.filter(function(product){
var linkSplit = self.href.split('/products/')
var productLink = linkSplit && linkSplit[1]
return productLink == product.handle
if (clickedProductDetails) {
/* only wait 1 second before redirecting */
self.timeout = window.setTimeout(function(){
document.location = self.href;
localStorage.list = location.pathname;
clickedProductDetails.list_name = location.pathname
clickedProductDetails.list_id = location.pathname
var postData = {
"at" : new Date(),
"type" : "productClicked",
"event" : clickedProductDetails
else document.location = self.href;
async function productPageScript(){
var product = bitespeedLayer.ecommerce.detail
&& bitespeedLayer.ecommerce.detail.products
&& bitespeedLayer.ecommerce.detail.products[0]
if (product) {
if(hasLocalStorage) product.list_name = localStorage.list
if(hasLocalStorage) product.list_id = localStorage.list
var postData = {
"at" : new Date(),
"type" : "productViewed",
"event" : product
if(typeof jQuery === 'undefined'){
loadScript('//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js', function(){
jQuery191 = jQuery.noConflict(true);
} else {
function removePii(string) {
var piiRegex = {
"email": /s&/,=[a-zA-Z0-9-]+.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+)($|[s&/,])/,
"postcode": /s&/,=[0-9][A-Z]{2})($|[s&/,])/,
var dlRemoved = string;
for (key in piiRegex) {
dlRemoved = dlRemoved.replace(piiRegex[key], 'REMOVED');
return dlRemoved;
6. Click on Save.
7. Now, go to the theme.liquid file in the layout section
8. Now, just before the end of the </head> tag, paste this code snippet.
{% include 'bitespeed-analytics' %}
That's it! Now, you can go to your shop and check that the opt in tools that you had switched on are loading. If you still face any issues, please let us know. We'll help you out!